35 crankster mr does it again |
The first of these trips that will get shown is my best mate and me walking around the back creeks of a major estuary system targeting flatties in the deep holes at low tide, equipped with reef walkers, stradwick 2-4kg rod and a newly purchased daiwa Jupiter reel I was ready for some fishing. The first spot was quickly showing how much fun the day would get, admittedly I was equipped with the wrong lures for the day but I persevered. My mate seriously got the better of me in the flatty scene whilst I picked up with the cods, both of us hooking up on Barra and both losing them. throughout the day a spot where hard bodies were viable this is when I came into my own, casting and retrieving getting strikes on the Sebile Crankster 35mr in the new favourite colour of blue gill, more cod were caught, some flat head, the two biggest flathead for me were both lost by high sticking, and after having a decent fight and getting them to the shore 3 times and then having them swim off wasn’t the greatest feeling but none the less a spot that should be revisited showed its full potential and gave me something to look forward too,
this one got bug anted (ecogear bug ant, pretty good action) |
best mate with a lovely flatty |
Another trip was to the causeway lake where the whole day was just spent casting and retrieving plastics and hard bods. Many flat head were caught along with some whiting, bream and giant herring. Another reason to go back with heavier gear is to catch the big rock cod that took my lures (yes two lures all up and i could see both of them in his gob clear as day). Pretty disappointing but still a great day.
first jewie on lure, hell yeah
on a down side, very small, they got bigger though |
Monday the 15th of this month was a day off school so i bussed down too this beach where I thought it would go all right, turns out it was quite poor, the creek next too it seemed to be heavily out fished with many residents casting baits and not striking, essentially feeding fish. a shallow beach that has no life at all, on low tide not one flatty mark or indent from a whiting foraging for food. The big estuary next too it showed little potential, once again heavily baited and easily fed fish. still persisting payed off with my lures catching fast moving herring and whiting, terribly annoying giant toad fish ( yes there is such a thing) and the highlight is on the beak of high tide for about 20mins i scored small whiting sized jewies on hard bods. And boy do they give you some stick when they run with the currents and use waves to their advantage.
Possibly the best outings I have had are with my girlfriend, well sort of, I went to the causeway again to see how it was going while my family were walking the beaches. heavy strikes kept coming then a big snag after a pull from a fish, I looked across the creek and my mate was standing there ( surprising how we both wanted to fish ) he tried to get my snag off but failed and snapped the braid against a rock, unfortunately I had not planned on this as I only got 20 mins to fish while the family got fish and chips , so i tied my new rainbow trout coloured strike pro pygmy and lost it straight away to a flatty, braid plus rocks just does not work. With that happening and my girl looking very bored I went and had dinner, keen for the Monday and fishing.
On another trip I was taken to the mouth of crio bay at sandy point I believe it’s called. lures were of no effect in the fast flowing water, so bait was the go, amazingly it worked, and very well for a blob of flesh on a hook, may have something to do with the burley but none the less the bream and whiting were amazing on light gear, my little 1-34kg rod and ci4 stradic 1000 came into its own, landing what would have to be the biggest whiting I have ever caught, along with some nice bream, the whiting came up to a total of 35 cm, for a sand whiting that’s pretty dam big.
solid effort, 35 cm whiting on ultra light gear
best time ever |
Ann Jobling looking very happy with a decent whiting |
Sorry about the response time to the fella who was waiting, year 11 is pretty hectic and it will only get worse, but holidays are sonish and fishing shall be done. Keep up to date with my blogs and Facebook posts by subscribing, and also joining the Facebook group.
http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Kayaking-and-fishing/200939529916666 . Remember Sebile lures are the way to go and in any situation have never let me down.
Couple of sites for your viewing pleasure:
possibly the best photograph taken by man, but was just
a quick snap while running so i didnt miss the bus |