Friday, April 15, 2011

Clays Guide to Rock and Beach Fishing

I was in Bundy, well a hotel on Bargara’s beachfront and I haven’t done a lot of beach fishing so I decided to put down what I know on paper to help both me and whoever is reading, feel free to comment to add to the info or to correct me in any places I’m wrong. Land based saltwater fishing is a great opportunity for anglers to catch a variety of species in surreal and awesome places. The fishing can range from whitening fishing on low energy beaches to trevally on high energy beaches with sharks and even mackerel taken from rocky points and headlands. Low tides can make or break fishing and high tides could obliterate any chance of fish in certain areas. All this information falls back to the fish you want to catch, low tides can uncover the top of a rock cluster that all the bream will be hiding in or medium tide could fill a gutter and it would be chockers with whiting. High tides will virtually always increase your chances insanely of headlands and high powered surf beaches. An understanding of the target species habitats is vital for success and a lot of effort should be focussed in finding that area if you’re a true fisho. The time of the year is also important, is the water nice and tropical or cold and temperate? Tropical waters bring plankton, which baitfish feed off, which large fish want to chomp on. Fish are by no means evenly dispersed so doesn’t be one of those beach fisherman that just cast out a bait and will catch squat. Find places of shelters like rocks, mangroves, gutters. The tackle that you use should be heavier then what you would use in a more sheltered estuary or river. Baits are best live and any live baitfish will be munched on. If you can’t access live fish than buy some white bait or prawns or worm. Pipis crabs and other crustaceans are very effective in areas. Mullet is another great bait… if you after lots of sharks. The most important things for beach fishing is being able to read the beach and know your target species.

just a picture of my new viento which I will blog about
 shortly after I got for another kayaking trip with my mate

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